
This is one of the best areas in Catalonia for the reproduction of the Montagu’s harrier

Anglesola-Vilagrassa is an agricultural area on the Lleida plain, dominated by extensive cereal cultivation and the remains of traditional arboreal crops such as olive trees and vineyards.

This is one of the best areas in Catalonia for the reproduction of Montagu's harrier, notwithstanding remarkable populations of other steppe birds, which has led to its inclusion in the Natura 2000 network as an area of special protection for birds.


    Anglesola-Vilagrassa is an agricultural area on the Lleida plain, dominated by extensive cereal cultivation and the remains of traditional arboreal crops such as olive trees and vineyards.

    This is one of the best areas of Catalonia for the reproduction of Montagu's harrier, notwithstanding remarkable populations of other steppe birds, which has led to its inclusion in the Natura 2000 network as an area of special protection for birds.

    The area is formed of cappings of quaternary pebbles, with small outcrops of sandstone and clay in its eastern part.

    It is a completely flat area located in the depression of the Ebro.

    The Ondara river is the only fluvial course that passes through the area.


    The space is characterized by dry crops dominated by cereal. 

    In the southern part, there are also some farms with olive or vineyard cultivation. Weed vegetation linked to winter cereal crops dominates the area.

    The natural vegetation becomes more scarce in the halo-nitrophilous shrubby formations bordering the crop fields, as well as the patches of reed beds along the Ondara river. Weed vegetation linked to winter cereal crops dominates the area.


    The greatest exponent of the area is the Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus), which nests in the area's expansive cereal fields. It is also important for other species of birds linked to cereal crops, such as the little bustard, the European roller or the calandra lark.


El món dels petits mamífers

Dia i hora: 24 de setembre, de 9.30h a 12.30h Punt de trobada: Davant la Piscina Municipal de Vilagrassa.